We did it! Thank-you for helping us raise over 220,000 pairs of socks!
Need to drop off socks? Please email April at AWatts@Socks4SoulsCanada.com to arrange.
Indie88 is no longer accepting physical sock donations due to holiday closure.
Socks 4 Souls Canada is a primarily volunteer based organization that helps provide warmth, comfort and mobility by distributing new socks for Toronto’s unhoused population. On any given night, there are 10,000+ people experiencing homelessness in the GTA. Nearly 20% of their medical ailments are related to poor foot care, which significantly impedes their ability to access food, shelter, and other social resources. Socks 4 Souls Canada procures both sock and monetary donations from school and workplace sock drive, corporations, businesses, and private citizens, and distributes them to agencies who work directly with those who are experiencing homelessness across southwestern Ontario.
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