Rashida Jones has directed a PSA for Time’s Up about sexual harassment in the workplace. The video was narrated by Donald Glover, also known by his stage name Childish Gambino.
The three-minute short was modeled after the “Tea Consent” video, which has received over six million views since its creation by Blue Seat Studios in 2015.
Jones worked directly with Blue Seat’s Rachel Brian, whose team then animated the video. SHort clips of the video have been uploaded to Instagram.
The PSA is formatted as an FAQ all about touching people at work, commenting on people’s appearances, and witnessing inappropriate behaviour from co-workers. It also talks about the different power dynamics that can come into play when co-workers start to date.
Jones said in an interview with BuzzFeed that having a man narrate was important, and that discussions about workplace harassment should include men as well. Glover and Jones have been friends for years before working on the PSA together.
Click here to watch the video on BuzzFeed.