
The Josie Dye Show w/ Carlin & Brent’s Socks for The Streets

For the last five years, The Josie Dye Show w/ Carlin & Brent and Socks4Souls Canada teamed up during the holiday season and collected thousands of socks from the good people of the GTA. This year, we want to do it again and say that we have raised a grand total of one million socks since 2017! Help us collect socks for Toronto’s homeless individuals.

Starting Monday, November 7th, The Josie Dye Show will host the annual Socks for the Streets campaign, in hopes of collecting thousands of socks for Toronto’s Homeless

Donations can also be dropped off at the Indie88 Studios at 20 Hanna Ave in Liberty Village, Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm from Monday, December 5th until
December 19th, 2022.

Socks 4 Souls Canada is a primarily volunteer based organization that helps provide
warmth, comfort and mobility by distributing new socks for Toronto’s homeless population. According to a 2018 census, there are over 8,700 homeless individuals in the streets in Toronto. Nearly 20% of their medical ailments are related to poor foot care, which significantly impedes their ability to access food, shelter, and other social resources. Socks 4 Souls Canada procures both sock and monetary donations from school and workplace sock drive, corporations, businesses, and private citizens, and distributes them to agencies who work directly with those who are experiencing homelessness across southwestern Ontario.

How can you help us reach our holiday goal?

$5,$10, $25 or more and consider signing up for a monthly donation.
$20 equals 40 pairs of socks

2. DONATE NEW SOCKS (black or white athletic are best)
We have 5 DROP OFF LOCATIONS. Thank you to our partners at Leggat Chevrolet and Bosley Real Estate. We will also have two December GTA sock drop-off mall events. Updates to follow.

Consider Running a Holiday Sock Drive at work or with your group, school or team. If you’d like to run a sock drive instead, visit our sock drive page.

The Josie Dye Show w/ Carlin & Brent Community Interviews
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