The creator of the hit 1980s animated series The Raccoons is developing a reboot of the show. Kevin Gillis, along with Jetpack Distribution and Run With Us Productions are preparing a show with the working title The Raccoons Holiday Special, for 2019 delivery.
The Raccoons ran on CBC from 1985 to 1992, featuring the adventures of Bert Raccoon and his friends Ralph and Melissa as they tried to outwit scheming aardvark business man, Cyril Sneer. A trailer for the project surface on YouTube in May.
Big Jump Entertainment posted a short synopsis of the project on their website.
Get ready to return to the Evergreen Forest! The 1980s worldwide hit, The Raccoons, is back and destined to attract a brand new fan base while hitting the happy nostalgia button of the original audience. And the familiar faces are back! Led by the enthusiastic, adventure-seeking Bert Raccoon, join aardvark best-friend Cedric and racoon pals Ralph and Melissa as they navigate Bert’s carefree attitude, all the while staying on-top of the scheming tycoon, aardvark business man, Cyril Sneer.