BC-based duo Lightning Dust, made up of former Black Mountain members Amber Webber and Josh Wells, have dropped a video for their new track “Led Astray” off of their forthcoming record, Spectre.
“‘Led Astray’ — when the goblin inside our brain leads us on a trip through all the ugly sides of reality — steering us away from all our 500-thread count, buttery-smooth satin sheets, leaving us questioning our sanity and morality,” Webber explains in a statement.
The new track is a slow-burning, impactfully vulnerable track that’s powered by Webber’s silky vocal lines, a smooth bass groove, and a low-key guitar line. The accompanying video is perfectly trippy as Webber and Wells star in a dream-like sequence in the desert with smoking ghosts, butterflies, and a giant noodle person.
Watch the video for “Led Astray” below.
You can catch Lightning Dust at The Monarch Tavern on August 28th!